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Online Community
Social Media 


Pinterest, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, and other social media are teeming with nutritional information about what makes healthy eating and how to heal naturally with foods.  A word of wisdom is that you need to work with your doctor before you embark on big changes.  The little changes, however, you can do them yourself.

Pot Luck Dinners
Barbecues for All


The idea is that we do not have to make nutrition changes in our diet all by our lonesome selves.  Eating is such a social activity.  So, let's share; let's learn from each other so that we can proceed on a more secure footing.


Rosita´s Kitchen was ready to do workshops on how to light up your barbecue pit without using lighter fluid but, then, COVID-19 happened.  Bummer.  No barbecues this summer.  Rosita´s Kitchen decided to move online.


Don´t miss out on our upcoming event, titled,

Got White Tongue? on Zoom scheduled for later this year.  See our following page.

To be Honest . . . 

I am not a doctor.  I am not a nurse.  Nor am I a nutritionist.  Neither am I a chef, a caterer, nor a food service professional.  I cannot advise you because everyone´s health is different and I only know my body, my health, and my nutritional needs.  I have been committed to healthy eating for over 30 years and I want to share that with you in the hopes that any of my experience may be helpful to you.  I am also looking to learning from you.  Let´s build community . . . together.


This disclaimer provides that any health enhancing information that you may find on this website, Rosita´s Kitchen, is merely information - not advice.  If you need medical advice, you ought to consult a doctor or other appropriate medical professional. This disclaimer also provides that no warranties are give in relation to the health information supplied on the website, and that no liability will accrue to the website owner in the event that a user suffers loss as a result of reliance upon the information.






Rosita's Kitchen


Brooklyn  NY  11218




R o s i t a ' s   K i t c h e n

Food Conversations





RositaAngulo Libre de Marulanda

Motivational Speaker


(347) 244-2120

© 2020 by RositaAngulo Libre de Marulanda

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