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The white film that many people have on their tongue is a  film that extends the length of the Gastro Intestinal (GI) tract. 


In theThe white film that many people have on

their tongue is a  film that extends the length of

the Gastro Intestinal (GI) tract.  mouth, it prevents the taste buds from performing their duties which means you may not be tasking your foods to the maximum.


In your small intestine, theh white plaque prevents the digested nutrients from entering the bloodstream and, thus, your cells may suffer from malnutrition.


Some people do a cosmetic job of brushing their tongue when they brush their teeth.  However, this does not clean the rest of their GI tract.


The good news is that we can keep our GI tract clean nutritionally--from the tip of our tongues to the end of our bowels.




Rosita's Kitchen


Brooklyn  NY  11218




R o s i t a ' s   K i t c h e n

Food Conversations





RositaAngulo Libre de Marulanda

Motivational Speaker


(347) 244-2120

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